Tifway 419 Bermuda

Tifway 419 Bermuda

Tifway 419 Bermuda is the most widely used turf grass and has been an industry standard for residential and commercial lawns, athletic fields and golf courses for over 50 years. It’s dense, rapid spreading, fine-bladed growth habit makes it quickly able to recover from injury, making it one of the most durable Bermuda grass choices. It tolerates close mowing and is highly disease resistant. Full sun is required, a minimum of 8 hours daily. It performs exceptionally well in heat and drought conditions by slightly going into dormancy to protect itself and recovers quickly when conditions improve. With it’s deep, dark green color, it was designed for durability and beauty.

Left Blade
Mow Height
½ - 1½ "
Shade Tolerance
Poor - Full Sun Only
Wear Tolerance
Wear Recovery
Disease/Insect Resistance
Weeds Resistance
Drought Tolerance
Drought Recovery
Maintenance Requirements
Cold Tolerance
Heat Tolerance

Sod Calculator

The Total Sq. Yards =
Total Pallets =
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Two Options For Grass

Pallet of Mini Rolls

66 square yards, 24 inches x 63 inches

Big Rolls

40 square yards, 42 inches x 103 ft

Locations & Service Areas

Telephone Farm

3765 CR 2135 Telephone,
Texas 75488
7am - 5pm | Mon-Fri
(903) 664-2904Open Maps

Mulberry Farm

600 CR 1605 Ravenna,
Texas 75476
(903) 664-2904

Collinsville Farm

541 Walden Rd     Whitesboro, Tx 76273
(903) 664-2904
Learn More
Get In Touch
ATTENTION CUSTOMERS: Effective immediately,  Hope Plantation has a 3.5% cash discount pre-priced into all products for purchases made with cash or checks. All purchases made with a credit card, including debit cards, will have the 3.5% cash discount removed and be reflected on your credit card receipt. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to provide you with the best Bermuda turf grass in North Texas! We accept cash, check, debit cards, and all major credit cards.
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